Proof of Humanness
An overview of the Proof of Humanness (and Proof of Attendance) Protocols.
Proof of Humanness in the age of AI
In an era of accelerating technological advancements, the ability to prove our humanness online has become increasingly important. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve and become a part of our daily lives, it is essential that we find ways to verify that people on the internet are in fact, human instead of AI programs or bots. This white paper will explore how the Vold Protocol offers a solution to this problem by providing individuals with a secure and anonymous way to establish proof of their humanness, both online and in everyday life.
Through its innovative blockchain-based protocol, the VOLD Protocol enables users to not only receive a unique identity credential verifying their humanness but also to build reputation and trust while earning rewards for participating in real-world activities such as volunteerism, coaching, learning & conservation. In this paper, we will discuss the features of the VOLD Protocol and explain why it is an invaluable tool for verifying humanness in the face of AI advances.
Vold Protocol and AI
The Vold Protocol is being developed to protect individuals against AI by providing them with a secure and private way to create a verifiable proof of their humanness online. And to prove a person's interactions in web3 to build an On-chain reputation. This innovative protocol utilizes the Ethereum blockchain technology to generate human credentials that can be used to confirm that accounts are owned by real people instead of bots or AI programs. Along with offering users the ability to prove their humanness, the VOLD Protocol also provides reputation-building tools and incentives for participating in real-world activities, such as fan events where proof of authenticity is required.
In addition, this protocol includes several other useful features that make it an invaluable tool for verifying humanness in the face of AI advances. For instance, users can set up public profiles that include details about their background and interests, making it easier for employers or peers to verify their identity when needed. Furthermore, this protocol allows users to earn rewards when they participate in real-world activities, incentivizing users to continue taking part in these types of initiatives while also building trust among peers through their actions. Finally, since the VOLD Protocol is based on Ethereum /blockchain technology, all transactions made through the platform are immutable and secure, which ensures that user data remains safe and secure at all times.
The use of AI-generated content has made it increasingly difficult to distinguish between human-created and AI-generated content. While content co-authored by AI has several practical applications, its potential misuse to spread disinformation on a large scale is a significant concern. VOLD enables filtering for content or accounts that have been confirmed as human, thereby facilitating the creation of reputation systems that discourage the spread of inauthentic information.
The Vold protocol is a crucial building block for digital identity. Its potential applications can be visualized by breaking it down into three layers: proof of humanness, digital authentication, and digital identity verification. The first layer verifies the humanness and uniqueness of an individual, while the second layer ensures that only legitimate owners can access the associated identity. Finally, digital identity verification helps to answer the vital question of "Who are you?" In essence, the Vold protocol represents a vital step forward in ensuring the fairness, security, and trustworthiness of online interactions. By implementing it, we can establish a robust foundation for the digital identities of the future, thereby creating a safer and more equitable online environment.
Proof of Humanness
Before any reputation can be earned, a user must first follow the proof of humanness process. As mentioned previously, this is a critical step because of the reality of participating in events. The Proof of Humanness part of our protocol also helps protect against Sybil attacks, where malicious actors create multiple pseudonymous identities by integrating projects and communities to have more control over who can participate, contribute and vote.
To put it simply, we are able to verify your humanness based on the web of trust in verified users. This is done by having users sign up for events and gathering attestations from verified users that the person really is real and that they did indeed attend the event. Practically, this will work by having the verified users scan the personal QR code of the user. This allows lead organizers to effectively verify attendance without having to worry about privacy issues or taking up too much time.
Proof of humanness will only need to be verified once, but it may require several verified users' attestations before it is accepted as fully verified. We are also working on a system that allows for Virtual Proof of Humanness, this is necessary for inclusivity reasons, but this will need to be robust because of the numerous new attack vectors that become available once something like this goes virtual.
Proof of Attendance
Proof of attendance works the same way as Proof of Humanness but must be completed for every event the user attends. This is to ensure the integrity of the rewards system, whereby only those that actually attend an event can earn the rewards.
Key Scenarios
This results in the fastest method to obtain verified user status being to go through our KYC process. The reason for this is simply that, at launch our goal is to ensure that ONLY human beings can create events. This is an absolutely critical step in reducing the possible attack vectors for gaming the system.
Right out of the gate, you can see that the fastest method to gain verified user status is to go through the KYC process, awarding 50 Reputation Score. We do understand that this may not be the most desirable option for some users, and as such, you can consult the current weightings list to identify other combinations, such as linking social media accounts and attending several events.
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